Training Department

Please visit our Supervisors page to learn about our Training Team!

Training Elements

Supervisory Support

The experiential learning takes place through individual supervisory process and peer consultation support group. Mental health consultation theory and practice permeates throughout our supervisory process. Weekly, there is individual and group supervisory support (peer consultation support group). At a group level, clinicians receive peer consultation in their case conferences, supervisors participate in a case consultation group, and the management team also provides mutual support and consultation to its members.

This structure is also integrated into the trainee's training structure. Weekly, there is individual and group supervisory support.

1. Individual Supervision: Trainees have an opportunity to consult with and receive support from their supervisor(s) on clinical cases. Meeting times and days are to be arranged by trainees and their supervisor(s). Practicum students have one hour of individual supervision (in most cases it is with a licensed psychologist unless other arrangements have been made with the practicum trainee's school). Interns have two hours of individual supervision and two hours of group supervision with a licensed psychologist. Post-doctoral fellows have one hour of individual supervision with a licensed psychologist.

2. Group Supervision (Peer Consultation Support Group): Trainees have an opportunity to consult with peers from their assigned program(s) and group supervisor on their cases in this forum. All trainees are assigned to a Case Consultation depending on their program.

Didactic Seminars

The purpose of Psychological Training is to provide on the job training and help the trainees to translate their knowledge into providing psychological (Behavioral Health) services to community and clinical services to patients who are admitted to receive clinical services. The didactic seminars have to be geared toward developing specific skills relevant to the tasks the trainees are going to perform at the Hume Center. Therefore one has to develop a list of the tasks and the relevant knowledge and skills to accomplish the tasks. Trainees are assigned to one of the following didactic tiers based on training level:

Practicum Students: Tier 1

Doctoral Interns: Tier 2

Post-Graduates: Tier 3

Methods of Learning: The didactic curriculum has been developed around the nine profession-wide competencies of health services psychology, which are Research, Ethical and Legal Standards, Individual and Cultural Diversity, Professional Values and Attitudes, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Assessment, Intervention, Supervision, and Consultation and Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Skills. We utilize discussion, didactic, interactive exercises, case example review, research presentation, and other activities to build these competencies throughout the year.

Research Opportunities

The Hume Center encourages trainees to do Program Evaluation and Research relevant to the work we do at the agency. If you are interested in doing research at the Hume Center, please contact our Training Department. Research opportunities are arranged and approved as the occasion arrises. Some trainees have collected data for their dissertations at The Hume Center. Others have participated in Harcourt's standardization studies. In addition, there may be opportunities to participate in program development, needs assessments, program evaluation, and other opportunities.