Board of Directors

board of directors 7.2011

From Left to Right: Barbara Parks, Bill Bindal, Neeraj Punglia, Naren Bakshi, Larry St. John (Former Chairman), Dr. Joty Sikand, Dr. Fatemah Bani-Taba, Jim Clay, and Dr. Meji Singh. Not Pictured: Vajid Jafri (Chairman) and John Hazen. 

The Hume Center has assembled a diverse Board of Directors that represents the communities we serve. The Board includes mental health and business professionals. The business professionals come from a wide range of business fields and have helped shape the agency into a fiscally responsible and strong entity, well positioned to take on large projects and financial responsibilities. Every member has joined the Board because of their passionate desire to help expand the services of the agency and to increase the continuum and capacity of services.

The members offer specialized professional expertise in areas such as: business management and development of nonprofit organizations and for profit businesses, behavioral health, finance, fundraising, legal, engineering, etc. We also have a board member who was a youth consumer of preventive services offered by a psychologist who worked at a community mental health center. Overall, each of the Board members have contributed from their personal and professional experience to enable the dynamic growth the agency has experienced through financial oversight, program development, and long-term planning.

The following links will take you directly to listings of our Board of Directors and Board Committees: 

Directs the process of planning, envisions long range goals, approves annual objectives, monitors achievement of goals and objectives, and employs the President.
Vajid Jafri
Vajid H. Jafri, MBA
Joty Sikand, PsyD
Neeraj Punglia
Fatemah Bani-Taba, Psy.D.
Committee Chairwoman, Personnel Committee
    Michael N. Cobbina, MBA-HM, MSOL, DMin, BCC, AIA

IMG 0302
John Hazen, MFT
Committee Chairman, CQI Committee
     Kelly Hwang, CPA

Advises the President and Board of Directors in areas of specialty.
R.K. Janmeja "Meji" Singh, PhD
Founding President and Senior Advisor
Naren Bakshi
Chairman Emeritus
Larry St. John
Former Chariman
Prepares the agenda for the Board, facilitates agency leadership and oversight between Board meetings, and performs Board staff work; meeting as needed.
Vajid Jafri, MBA
Joty Sikand, PsyD
Guides development, review, and authorization of personnel policies and procedures, meeting six times annually.
Fatemeh Bani-Taba, PsyD *
Joty Sikand, PsyD
Oversees development of the budget, ensures adequate financial controls, and ensures accurate accountability for funds, meeting six times annually.
Joty Sikand, PsyD
Kelly Hwang, CPA ~

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Oversees structures, processes, and procedures with an organizational higher level view with the goal to support enhanced quality of behavioral health services provided to clients of The Hume Center.
John Hazen, MFT *
Provides vision and strategy for the agency's fund development, development-related outreach, and Board expansion activities, meeting quarterly.
Joty Sikand, PsyD *
John Hazen, MFT
Chris Celio, PsyD ~
* Committee Chair
^ Committee Secretary
** Committee Co-Chair
~ Board Supporter/Non-Board Member