Lunchtime Zoom Concert on 5/21/2020

Click here for the full list of Zoom events in May and June.

May 21, 2020 with Bryan Munar

Professional theatre performer Bryan Munar, who has performed in world premier and regional premier theatrical productions and been nominated for a SFBATCC Best Featured Actor in a Musical, showed off his amazing voice and guitar skills as he performed live on Zoom to help keep our spirits up! Want more to hear more from Bryan? Follow him on Instagram and join us at the Summer Breeze Concert on May 29th!




May 29, 2020, 5:30 to 7:30pm: Summer Breeze Concert for Community Wellness

Feeling sad you only get to see Bryan Munar sing once? Well, most of your favorite singers from the Lunchtime Concert series, including Bryan, are returning on May 29 from 5:30 to 7:30pm for the Summer Breeze Concert for Community Wellness! Please join us on Zoom as David SerotkinClarisse SaamPatrick Duffy, Roberto Roman, Bryan MunarJohn HazenLacey Rae, KC Dela Cruz, and Natalie Amaya return to get summer started off right! 

Please click this link on 5/29 at 5:30pm to watch the Summer Breeze Concert:

To join by phone, dial 669 900 9128 and enter the Webinar ID: 971 0309 0885 #


 Click here for the full list of Zoom events in May and June.


Did you miss our workshop on how to cope with strong feelings due to COVID-19? Click here to download the powerpoint slides for the presentation as a PDF. Feel free to distribute to whoever you'd like.