Ways to Cope with Strong Feelings Related to COVID-19
Distress, Anxiety, Fear, and Strong Emotion are normal in times of distress or crisis--but how do you cope? This question was asked and answered at our interactive community workshop over Zoom on April 9, 2020! This workshiop was hosted by the Putnam Clubhouse and facilitated by Hume's Director of Clinical Programs Chris Celio.
We were especially luck that two professional singers, Natalie Amaya (www.natalieamayavoice.com) and Alicia Glenn (www.facebook.com/AliciaGlennMusic), kicked off the event with a community concert! After the concert, Chris walked us through the reasons why the current situation has been so hard and specific tips to help cope through it. The event demonstrated the healing power of music and community, as everyone was left smiling, singing, and with helpful tips to cope after the workshop.
The concert also kicked off a series of lunchtime events during April to bring the larger mental health community together. Click on this link to access the schedule of events: Stay Connected through these Fun Events for All on Zoom in April!
Click here to download the powerpoint slides for the presentation as a PDF. Feel free to distribute to whoever you'd like.